Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Former soccer coach acquitted on charges he raped daughter's friend

Daily Freeman - News - 02/08/2005 - Former soccer coach acquitted on charges he raped daughter's friend

Since I'm always lustrating the sex fiend coaches when they are charged, I should also mention when they are acquitted and possibly framed. But this story still has some Jock elements to it, although the bad, "we can do what we want", attitude seems to be on the part of the cops.

Robert Thorpe, a former girls soccer coach, was accused of raping his daughter's friend between 1999 and 2002 while the girl was 9-13. The girl claimed he would rape her when he came to visit on weekends after moving to Long Island.

Thorpe said all along he was innocent and now he has been vindicated by a jury of his peers to prove it.

Here's the kicker: The cops lied and told him they had DNA evidence when they didn't have any evidence at all, in a feeble attempt to get a confession out of him.

Then they let it go all the way to trial and it only took the jury four hours to acquit Thorpe on all charges because there was absolutely nothing other than the girl's word to prove anything. The girl's parents even testified the rapes would have been impossible without their hearing it in their home.

Cops and Jocks are a lot alike in this respect: They both think it's ok to lie as long as you mean well and get what you want. It's even legal for the police to lie to people while interrogating them.

That's when things like this, or worse, happen.
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